a guide to tracing your ancestors in bandon, cork. ireland

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Henry and Coghlan’s General Directory of Cork for 1867

For which is incorporated Wynne & Co’s Business Directory of the Principal Towns in the Province of Munster.
Bandon is a large market town, and a borough both corporate and parliamentary partly in the parish of Kilbrogan, barony of Kinalmeaky, but chiefly in that of Ballymodan, barony of East Carbery, county of Cork, 174 miles south west from Dublin, and 19 south-west from Cork, pleasantly situated on the banks of the river Bandon from which it derives its name, and it is the terminus of the Cork and Bandon Railway.  At one period Bandon was chiefly inhabited by English Protestants, who walled and fortified the town, and built two churches and market houses.  The walls were, however demolished by the Irish in 1689, for which violence no Roman Catholics were, for a long time, permitted to reside in the town.  The settlers being an industrious and economical people, Bandon soon began to flourish and increase, till at length the streets within the walls becoming incapable of containing its population, several additional ones were built in various parts of the suburbs, and it has continued to improve in appearance and increase in wealth ever since.  The principal part of the present town lies in a valley, environed with lofty hills.

 In addition to the corn and provision trade there are two breweries, an extensive distillery, three tanneries, three banks, two hotels and several flour mills.  The shopkeepers who carry oin a very extensive retail trade, are numerous and highly respectable.  A limited trade is carried on by the river, which is navigable for barges to Innishannon, four miles from the town.  General sessions for the west riding are held in October or November, and petty sessions for the division every Monday.  Manorial courts for the recovery of debts under 40s are held once in three weeks respectively, by the seneschals of the different manors of Castle Mahon, Coolfadda and Clough McSimon.  Bandon returns one member to the Imperial Parliament in the person of the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Bernard of Castle Bernard.

 There are two churches under the establishment, belonging respectively to the parishes of Ballymodan and Kilbrogan – the former is a very elegant Gothic structure, the first stone of which was laid oni the 9th day of March, 1847, by the present Earl of Bandon, who subscribed the magnificent sum of stg 700.  It was opened for public worship on the 30th of August, 1849, and the total cost amounted to stg 18,000, stg 4,000 of which was subscribed by friends and parishioners.  The organ which cost stg 700, was presented by the Very Rev. Richard Boyle Bernard, DD, late dean of Leighlin.  Kilbrogan Church, commonly called Christ Church is a cruciform structure, begun in 1610, and finished by the first Earl of Cork in 1625.  The other places of worship are two spacious Roman Catholic chapels – one which was built in 1796; one each for Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists; one for Presbyterians; a Scots church, and a chapel attached to the Presentation Convent.  About half a mile west of the town is Castle Bernard, the delightful residence of the Earl of Bandon.  This elegant structure has two regular fronts, ornamented with Corinthian pillars of Portland stone; the apartments are sumptuously furnished and convenient, and the mansion is surrounded with tastetfully disposed shrubberies, walks, gardens, and a noble park four miles in extent.  Numerous other seats, the residence of opulent and spirited proprietors, tend to enliven the vicinity of Bandon.  For further particulars referring to this town, we must refer our readers to Mr. Bennett’s History of Bandon, published by us Price Three Shillings.  The markets, which are well supplied with all kinds of provisions and cattle, are held on Wednesday and Saturday.  Fairs, May 6th, Holy Thursday, October 29th, November 8th and the first Wednesday in each of the other months.  The population of the town and borough, in 1861 was 6,243.
Thomas Lovell, Postmaster.  Letters from Cork, Dublin, and all parts, arrive every morning at six, and are despatched at a quarter past six in the evening.  Letters from Bantry, Skibbereen, and all other parts, South and West, arrive at a quarter past six in the evening, and are despatched at half past six every morning.


Poor Law Union* - Master, Wm. Nicolls; matron, Margaret Walsh; schoolmistress, Emily Boardman; Protestant Chaplain , Rev John Bleakley; RC Chaplain, Rev. Jeremiah O’Brien; Medical Attendant, Samuel Wood, AM, MD; Relieving Officer, James Fitzgerald; Clerk to Board of Guardians, Stewart R. Treselian.

  • The board consists of 22 ex officio and 22 elected guardians, who meet every Wednesday.

Gas Works – John Dobson, manager; S.R. Treselian, secretary

Inland Revenue Office – North Main Street

Excise Office, Shannon Street – Roger Eaton, supervisor

Stamp Office, South Main Street – G. Gabriel, sub distributor

Registrar of Marriages, Births and Deaths – Dr. Ormston, North Main Street

Markets – Meat, Cavendish Row; fish, North Main Street; potatoe, Market St

Court House, Cavendish Row – S. Moloney, clerk

Bridewell, North Main Street

Barracks (Constabulary) – No 1, F. Scott, Head Constable; No 2, John Bloomer, Constable in charge

Barracks (Military) – Cavendish Row

Young Men’s Association and Reading Room, Bridge Place – The Right Hon, The Earl of Bandon, patron; Stephen Brown, LLD and Richard W. Doherty, honorary secretaries

Tract Depository, Bridge Place – Supported by the Protestant clergy

Town Hall and Reading Rooms, North Main Street – R.L. Allman and W. C. Sullivan, secretaries; John R. Berwick, treasurer

 Places of Worship

Established Church, North Main Street – The Hon and Rev Charles Broderick Bernard, rector and Vicar; Rev J. Woodruff and Rev J. Sullivan, curates

Scots’ Church, Watergate Street – Rev Irwin, minister

Methodist (Primitive) Chapel, Cavendish Quay – Rev Hamilton, minister

Methodist (Wesleyan) Chapel, Bridge Street – Rev W. G. Price and Rev J. B. Atkins, ministers

Roman Catholic Chapel, Chapel Street

 Academies and Schools

Endowed School

Catholic School, Chapel Street

Female School of Industry, Shannon Street

Infants’ school of Industry, Shandon Street

Male and Female School, Curravarahane – Supported by the family of Lord Bandon

Methodist (Wesleyan) School, Watergate Street – William John ?, master; mrs Salter, mistress

National Schools – Shannon Street and Watergate Street

Protestant Schools, Cavendish Quay and Kilbrogan Road

 Agricultural Implement Dealers


Apothecaires and Surgeons

(See also Surgeons)

Belcher, Henry, 6 Bridge Street

Jagoe, B.H., 12 South Main Street


Beard, G, Shannon Street

Burchill, Rebecca, Miss, North Main Street

Carbury, R, Shannon Street


Hegarty, George, Castle Road

Heron, John, 26 South Main Street

Hunter, Wm, North Main Street

Lane, Joseph, North Main Street

Lehane, John, 31 South Main Street

Mahony, James, North Main Street

Moriarty, William, South Main Street

O’Sullivan, James, South Main Street

Tanner, William, North Main Street

 Basket Makers

Skuse, John, Shannon Street

Skuse, Thomas, Shannon Street

 Boot and Shoemakers

Barrett, Timothy, South Main Street

Barrett, Wiliam, Shanon Street

Bright, Richard, 9 Bridge Street

Carroll, M, Mrs, 6 & 7 South Main Street

Corcoran D, Shannon Street

Hayes J, Shannon Street

Heron, Timothy, Shannon Street

Keohana, Timothy, Cavendish Quay

O’Driscoll, John, Market Street

Phillips, Walter, Cavendish Quay

Smith, James, Cavendish Quay

SUTTON, N & SONS, South Main Street

 Ladies and Gentlemens’ dress and walking boots,

 Childrens’ boots and shoes, also a great variety of

  Gutta percha boots and shoes

Topham, John, North Main Street

Topham, Richard, North Main Street



Beamish  & Crawford, Cork, Patrick Foley, agent, North Main Street




??, Daniel, Shannon Street

PRESTON, EDWARD, Shannon Street

?, Thomas, North Main Street


Candle & Lamp Importers

SUTTON, N & SON, South Main Street

  Stores – Bridge Lane



Bullen, Walter, North Main Street

Clarke, William & Son, 26 South main Street and Cork

Emerson, Elizabeth, Mrs, North Main Street

Giles, John, North Main Street

Leary, Denis, 3 South Main Street

Payne, William, 79 Shanonn Street

Roberts James, North Main Street

Stanley, Edward, 9 South Main Street

STANLEY, THOMAS & CO, 17 South Main Street, Tobacco, snuff, soap and candle manufacturer

Tanner Jonathan, North Main Street

White, J, 1 South Main Street and Tralee


China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers

Bennett, William, 8 Castle Street

Emerson, Elizbth, Mrs, North Main Street

Kayms, Joshua, 30 South Main Street

Peters, Thomas, 4 Castle Street




Coach Builders

Dempsey, Patrick, Clancool New Road

Fullam, Patrick, Burlington Quay


Coal Merchants

Clerke, John, 35 South Main Street

SUTTON, N & SON, South Main St

Thomas, Benjamin, Shannon Street



Burns, Edward, 15 South Main Street

COTTRELL, SAMUEL, North Main Street (see advt, page 95)



Corn Merchants

Hayes, B & Co, Burlington Quay

Pope, George, Cavendish Quay

Unkles, Bros, East Gully Mills, Clancool New Road



SULLIVAN W.C. Watergate Street, Manufacturer of satin, and calf, kid and general merchant



Allman & CO, Bandon Distillery



Marked thus * are linen drapers only.  Marked thus + are woollen drapers only

Crowly, John, South Main Street

Dawson, Peter, 27 South Main Street

Fausitt, George, South Main Street

Fausitt, John, South Main Street

Foley & co, South Main Street

Greaves, Charles, South Main Street

Greaves, Thomas, 22 South Main Street

*Harris, J, South Main Street

+Hart, James E, 8 Bridge Street

Hegarty, John, 81 South Main Street

Kingston & Co, South Main Street

Moriarty, James, 92 South Main Street

+O’Halloran, Wm, South Main Street

Robinson, W, & Son, 73 South Main Street

Turpin, George, South Main Street

*Wolfe, R.N. 18 South Main Street


Flour Repositories

Bright, W, 7 Bridge Street

Falvey, Mary, Miss, South Main Street

Fausitt, G, South Main Street

Wolfe, RN, 18 South Main Street


Flour Dealers

Crowly, L, Clancool New Road

Giles, John, Shannon Street

McCarthy, Thomas, 14 South Main St

Roberts, James, North Main Street

Roche, George, 64 South Main Street

Ryan , James, North Main Street

Salter, E, Mrs, North Main Street

Scollard, C, Mrs, Shannon Street

Sullivan, Jeremiah, Clancool New Road


Flour Merchants

Bell, Edward, Bandon Mills

Donnell, William, 4 South Main Street

HARTE, JOHN HUNTER, Cavendish Quay

Hayes, B, & Co, Burlington Quay

McCabe, Isaac, Clancool New Road and 6 Warrens Place, Cork

Unkles Brothers, East Gully Mills, Clancool New Road; Stores – Burlington Quay


Glass Merchants

Bright, W, 7 Bridge Street

Burts, R, 88 South Main Street

Hunter, John H, 5 Bridge Street

Scott, M & Co, 29 South Main Street

SUTTON, N & SON, South Main Street



Marked * are also Spirit Dealers

Allen, William, market street

Allshire, Joseph, North Main Street

Applebe, GT, North Main Street,

Atkins, - , 15 Bridge Street

Beard, George, Shannon Street

Brady, A, North Main Street

*Brennan, Peter, 2&3 Shannon Street

Bullen, Walter, North Main Street

Burke, Daniel, Clancool New Rpad

Butterworth, John, 34 South Main Street

*Calnan, J, South Main Street

*Coghlan, J, Cavendish Quay

*Collins, Patrick, 75 Shannon Street

Corley, W, South Main Street

*Desmond, M, Mrs, 20 South main Street

*Dinneen, John, 84 Shannon Street

*Donnell, William, 4 South Main St

Flynn, John, Shannon Street

Hart, Mary Jame, Miss, North Main St

HARTE, WH, South Main Street

Heron, John, 26 South Main Street

*Hickey, Andrew, South Main Street

Keeffe, Sarah, Mrs, 1 Bridge Street

*Lane, Joseph, North Main Street

*Lee, Mathew, 2 Bridge Place

*Loane, John, Watergate Street

Lovell, George, Shannon Street

Moriarty, William, South Main Street

*Murphy, Giles, South Main Street

Murphy, Honora, Miss, North Main St

McCabe, Thomas, 2 Castle Street

*McCarthy, Charles, Cavendish Quay

*McCarthy, Thomas, 12 Bridge Street

McSwiney, Daniel, Cavendish Quay

*O’Connor, Mary, 2 South Main Street

Peters, Thomas, 4 Castle Street

ROBINSON, A, North Main Street

Shire, D, Watergate Street

Stafford, Thomas, North Main Street

Tanner, Jonathan, North Main Street

Tanner, Wm, North Main Street

Thomas, B, Shannon Street


Grocers (Wholesale)

Calnan, Joseph, South Main Street

Morarity, Wm, South Main Street


Guano Merchants

Applebe, GT, North Main Street

Bullen, Wm, 10 South Main Street

HARTE, JH, Cavendish Quay

Hunter, JH, 5 Bridge Street

McCabe, Isaac, Clancoole New Road and 6 Warrens Place, Cork

Pope, George, Cavendish Quay


Gunpowder Dealers

Murray, Margaret Mrs, 24 South Main Street

SUTTON, N & SON, south Main Street – Sportsmen will save 20 per cent by sending to us for Curtis and Harvey gunpowder, John Hall & Sons, do, Joyce’s patent waterproof caps, Eley’s double waterproof caps, Baldwin’s gun wadding, Eley’s do, do, patent Chester and Bristol shot



Brady, A, North Main Street

Bullen, Sarah Miss, 5 Castle Street

Crowly, John, South Main Street

Dawson, Peter, 27 South Main Street

Fausitt, G, South Main Street

Foley & Co, South Main Street

Gabriel, George, South Main Street

Greaves, Charles, South Main Street

Greaves, Thomas, 22 South Main Street

Harris, John, South Main Street

Hegarty, John, 81 South Main Street

Joyce, William, South Main Street

Kingston & Co, South Main Street

Massey, Catherine, Miss, North Main Street

Moriarty, James, 92 South Main Street

Robinson, W& Son, 73 South Main Street

Turpin, George, South Main Street

Wade, Charles A, North Main Street

Wolfe, RN, 18 South Main Street



Devonshire Arms, North Main Street, Abraham Loane, proprietor (See advertisement page 96)

RAILWAY & COMMERCIAL, Shannon Street, GW French, proprietor (See advertisement page 95)


Insurance Agents

Doherty, R.W., South Main Street, British Commercial Life

Foley & Co, South Main Street – City and County

HARTE JH, Cavendish Quay – Liverpool and London and Globe

Sullivan TK, North Main Street – Alliance


Iron Mongers and Hardware Merchants

Applebe, G.T. North Main Street

Bright, W. 7 Bridge Street

Burts, R. 88 South Main Street

Clerke, John, 35 South Main Street

Cummins, John, 33 South Main Street

Fitzpatrick & Co, 101 South Main Street

AHunter, JH, 5 Bridge Street

Scott, M & Co, 29 South Main Street

SUTTON, N & SON, South Main Street, wholesale and retail dealers in Birmingham and Sheffield goods, house-furnishing ironmongery, American whisks, plain and fancy baskets, pails, iron bedsteads, cutlery, silver electro-plated and Britannia metal tea and coffee services, clocks & jewellery.  To parties furnishing, this establishment offers great inducement, as the stock consists of every variety of hardware, at the most reasonable charges.  A trial solicited.


Leather Dealers

Cummins, John, 33 South Main Street

Morgan, William, 7 South Main Street

Smith, J, Cavendish Quay

Topham, Richard, North Main Street


Merchants General

Lee, M, 2 Bridge Place

SULLIVAN, W.C, Watergate Street, also  tanner, currier and manufacturer of satin and calf kid

SUTTON, N & SON, (iron and lead), South Main Street; Stores – Bridge Lane



Bell, E, Bandon Mills

Donnell, William, 4 South Main Street

Hayes, B & Co, Burlington Quay

McCabe, Isaac, Clancool New Road Mills

UNKLES BROTHERS, East Gully Mills, Clancool New Road; stores, Burlington Quay


Milliners and Dressmakers

Marked thus * are milliners only

Market thus + are dressmakers only

*Creech, MA, Watergate Street

+Massey, Catherine, Miss, North Main Street

*Moriarty, James, 92 South Main Street

*Tanner, Miss, Watergate Street

+Twomey, Miss, North Main Street

*Wolfe, RN, 18 South Main Street


Oil and Color Merchants

Bright, W, 7 Bridge Street

Burts, R, 88 South Main Street

Hunter, JH, 5 Bridge Street

Scott M&Co, 29 Soth Main Street

Sutton, N & Son, South Main Street



Bevan, Isaac, Shannon Street

Bevan, Roger, 82 Shannon Street



Heron, John, South Main Street

Kingston, William, North Main Street

Morris, Joseph, Stantons Lane,

Peyton, Harriet, Mrs, 32 South Main St

Roycroft, Joseph, Cavendish Quay


Provision Dealers

Brangham, Richard, North Main Street

Burns, Edward, 15 South Main Street

Hickey, John, North Main Street

Lyons, Mary, Castle Street

O’Keeffe, Anne, Mrs Market Street


Room Paper Warehouses

Bevan, Roger, 82 Shannon Street

Bright, W, 7 Bridge Street

SUTTON, N & SON, South Main St


Saddlers & Harness Makers

Donovan, Cornelius, 8 South Main Street

Donovan, John, North Main Street

Murphy, John, 19 South Main Street

O’Brien, David, Market Street

Webster, George, 2 South Main Street


Seed Merchants

Applebe GT, North Main Street

Bullen, William, 10 South Main Street

Burts, R, 88 South Main Street

HARTE, JOHN H, Cavendish Quay

HUNTER, John H, 5 Bridge Street

McCabe, Isaac, Clancool New Road and 6 Warrens Place Cork

Pope G, Cavendish Quay

Scott, M & Co, 29 South Main Street



Chantlin, John, 29 Market Quay

Desmond, Daniel, Kilbrogan Street

Murphy, Denis, Clancool new road

Paton, William, Burlington Quay

Shine, B, Market Quay

Walsh, John, Market Quay


Soap & Candle Manufacturers

Giles, John, North Main Street

HANLEY, THOMAS & CO – 17 South Main Street, also tobacco and snuff manufacturers



Doherty, RW, South Main Street

Fuller, Thomas, South Main Street

Sullivan, Thomas K, North Main Street


Spirit Dealers

(See also Grocers|)

Beamish, Thomas, 13 Bridge Street

Callaghan, Cornelius, North Main Street

Calnan, Richard, 15 South Main Street

Connolly, Denis, 1 Shannon Street

Corcoran, J, Cavendish Row

COTTRELL SAMUEL, North Main Street (see advt, page 95)

Crowly, Cornelius, Shannon Street

Crowly, - Worsley QWuay,

Crowly, L, Clancool new road

Daly, John, North Main Street

Desmond, Jeremiah, North Main Street

Donovan, Mary E, Mrs, Market Street

Downey, Michael, 7 Shannon Street

Falvey, MJ, 3 Castle Street

Finnigan, John, North Main Street

Foley, Patrick, North Main Street

Ford, Thomas, North Main Street

Halloran, Michael, Kilbrogan Street

Hayes, Michael, South Main Street

Heard James, South Main Street

Hennessy, Joseph, 81 Shannon Street

Hickey, Daniel, Shannon Street

Hickey, John, North Main Street

Hurley, Ellen, Mrs, Shannon Street

Kearney, Michael, Cavendish Row

Kelleher, John, 83 Shannon Street

Kelly, Wm, Shannon Street

Mahony, James, North Main Street

Mahony, Jeremiah, North Main Street

Mahony, Johanna, North Main Street

Murphy, Daniel, 76 Shannon Street

Murphy, J, Shannon street

Murphy, Mary, Market Street

Murray, - North Main Street

McCarthy, Daniel, Cavendish Quay

McCarthy, Denis, Cavendish Row

McCarthy, Denis, Castle Road

McCarthy, E, Mrs, Clancool New Road

McCarthy, Ellen Mrs, 77 Shannon St

O’Brien, John, 6 Castle Street

O’Donovan, Michael, Kilbrogan Street

Richardson, Joseph, Shannon Street

Riordan, P, Clancool New Road

Ryan, James, North Main Street

Sheard (?), James, South Main Street

Sullivan, Jeremiah, Clancool New Road

Sweeny, Morgan, Shannon Street

Tanner, John, Watergate Street

Taylor, Timothy, Watergate Street

T??, John, Shannon Street

Walsh, Edmond, Market Street

Ward, Thomas H, 23 South Main Street



Bright, W, 7 Bridge Street

Sutton, N & Son, South Main Street



(See also apothecaries)



STANLEY, THOMAS & CO, 17 South Main Street; also soap and candle manufacturers

White, John, 1 South Main Street and Tralee




Hart, JE (merchant) S Bridge Street,

O’Halloran, William, South Main Street

O’Mahony, Denis, Fox’s Street

Richardson, Joseph, Shannon Street

? – Shannon Street



Barrett, Timothy, Callows Hill Cross

Clear, - Watergate Street

SULLIVAN, WC, Watergate Street, manufacturer of satin and calf, kid and general merchant


Timber Merchants

HARTE JH, Cavendish Quay

Moynihan, Daniel, Shannon Street

O’Connell, Daniel, Shannon Street

Pope, G, Cavendish Quay

Stafford, Thomas, North Main Street


Tobacco & snuff Manufacturers

Clarke, Wm & Son, 26 South Main Street and Cork

STANLEY, THOMAS & CO, 17 South Main Street, also soap and candle manufacturers

White, John, 1 South Main Street and Tralee



Leary, Denis, 3 South Main Street

Stanley, Edward, 9 South Main Street

Sullivan, John W, 25 South Main Street


Wine & Spirit Merchants

Calnan, J, South Main Street

CORLEY, WINFIELD, The Bandon House, South Main Street

Donnell, Wm, 4 South main Street

LEE, MATHEW, 2 Bridge Place

Woods, Christopher, Bridge Street


Wool Combers

Baker, Robert, North Main Street

Forde, George,  North Main Street

Glassam, William, North Main Street



Auctioneer, J, Fausitt, South Main Street

Bookseller, Miss Mary Falvey, South Main Street

Boot Top Manufacturer, John Sullivan, Watergate Street

Clothier, JE Hart, 8 Bridge Street

Cooper, Ellen McCarthy, Market Street

Fishing Tackle warehouse, Margaret Murray, 24 South Main Street

House, Land and Estate Agent, RW Doherty, 12 South Main Street

Malster, Wm. McDonnell, Hill St and 4 South Main Street

Mineral Water Manufacturer, J. Calnan, South Main Street

Photographer, John S. Hunter, North Main Street

Printer and Bookbinder. W. Atkins, Bridge Lane

Salt Merchant, D Lynch, Bridge Lane,

Undertaker, D O’Connell, Shannon Street

Watchmaker, Geo. Turpin, South Main Street

Whipmaker, Robert. Berry, Cavendish Quay

Woollen Manufacturer, Robert S Baker



By Railway, several times daily. Station, Shannon Street