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Guys Postal Directory of Timoleague 1883

Postmaster – Cornelius Fihelly

Barry Mrs JG   mt

Beamish FJ, Lettercollum House  JP

Beamish Richard, Burgatia House

Connolly Jeremiah, Creganne   fr

Daunt Nicholas, Currahavern  fr

Deasy Corns, Maryboro House  fr

Garde Henry W    MD

Good James, Barrys Hill   fr

Harris J, Ballycatten  fr

Hawkes Devonsher P, Barrys Hall   HC

Kemp Jacob, Richfordstown

Keohane Denis A

Kingston Thos, Barrys Hall

Lamb George, Barrys Hall

Mulcahy Rev John  PP

Nicholson W, Skeafe House

O’Brien John, Curraheen   fr

O’Brien Rev Thomas  CC

O’Driscoll Timothy  fr

O’Neill John, Adacro House  fr

Perrott Thomas, Ardgahane   fr

Power P    fr

Sealy John, Ballylangley

Sealy L, Burren House

Shannon Henry, Currahy  fr

Travers Geo R, Lissycrimeen

Travers RA, Timoleague House JP

Walker Rev Fred Guy Canon, Kilmalooda  rec

Wilson Rev Alex B Precentr rec

White T   mt